Announcements: Week of September 30
Shop on Amazon to Support Poplar Springs – Help Support Poplar Springs when you shop on Amazon by selecting Poplar Springs Christian Church as your Supporting Agency. Just type in your browser and select Poplar Springs Christian Church as shown below (Make sure it’s Poplar Springs Christian Church as there are other Poplar Springs organizations listed). We will receive a portion of all sales purchased through this link. Thank you for your support and spread the word!
The purpose of the Youth Usher Ministry is to promote young people interested in working in the church, to train and prepare them for ushering as an adult. This ministry is open to both males and females ages 10 – 18 years of age. If you are interested in being a part of this GREAT ministry, please contact Patrice Baker at
Youth Usher Training will be Friday, October 19, 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. ALL youth ushers are required to attend and any youth interested in joining the youth usher ministry should also plan to attend. Food will be provided.
Several area men’s choirs will present a Community Male Choir Hurricane Florence Relief Concert on Saturday, October 6 at 4:00 p.m. We are asking for your continued support and attendance; please come and bring needed items to bless our sisters and brothers impacted by Hurricane Florence, i.e., water, cleaning supplies, and personal hygiene products.
Connecting Couples – Join us on October 6, 2018 for a conflict resolution workshop, “Fight for Your Marriage” from 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., New Bethel Christian Church, 4307 Old Poole Road, Raleigh, NC. $10 per couple. Continental breakfast will be 8:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. For more information, please contact Tim Grubbs (919) 760-9656.
We are looking for volunteers for the Hallelujah Carnival on October 31. A sign-up sheet will be in the copier room. The carnival hours will be from 6:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m.
It’s Popcorn Time again! See the Lacewell’s to place your order today or Wednesday directly after Bible Study.
Calling ALL Youth…please join the Youth Ushers for a Skate Party on Saturday, October 20, from 7:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. at United Skates of America, Inc., located at 2901 Trawick Rd, Raleigh, NC 27604. The last day to sign up is Sunday, October 7, in copier room or email
LAMBS Praise Ministry sign-up will be after service in the cry room for potty-trained to 6 years old.
The Annie B Davis Fellowship Ministry King and Queen for a Day pageant will be immediately after service; everyone is invited!
Separation/Divorce Care Ministry – This is a 13-week program that meets once a week from 7:00-9:00pm at the Poplar House beginning Tuesday, September 18th. This ministry provides a biblical approach in finding help, discovering hope, experiencing healing and restoration to individuals hurting because of separation and/or divorce. We will also offer DivorceCare for kids ages 8-12. Both sessions are offered at the same time. Pamela Williams and Kamilla Dancy are facilitators for the children. Please contact Christine C. Stewart at 919-639-9683, Sonia Kearney at 919-521-1834, or Paul Stewart at 919-524-0624 to register or obtain additional information.
The Tea Time Ministry is seeking new members. We plan to honor 100 PSCC women during the 2019 Commemoration of National Women’s History Month. We need your help in order to make this event extra special. Please call Revonnie Haynes (860-983-6811) if interested.
Youth Ministry is looking for Ministry Servants to join the Youth Empowerment Hour Bible Study Team. Teachers are needed for all age groups. Please contact Rev. Williams for additional information.
FLU SHOTS – Walgreen’s will offer a flu shot clinic here, open to all who are interested. A minimum of 25 participants is needed to have the clinics. Clinics will be today, 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. , in the Fellowship Hall; Wednesday, October 10th, 10:30am – 12:30pm, and Wednesday, October 17th, 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m., if there is interest. Pre-registration is needed to ensure Walgreen’s brings enough of the Strains 4 shots to accommodate everyone. Forms will be available after service today and at Bible Study. There is no cost for the flu shot with proof of insurance (you must present your insurance/Medicare card to get the shot); otherwise, the cost is $35.00. This is sponsored by AARP CC2C – contact Diane Baker Green with questions.
If you want to be a “doorkeeper” for the Lord and you are ready to serve with a smile, the Adult Usher Ministry is seeking new members! Adult male and female ushers are needed for worship services. Please call Pamela Taylor Shaw at (919) 418-0199 or Shawn Gear at (919) 696-1875 if you are Interested.
The Security Ministry is looking for new members. Please see Ruby Hodge for information.
Please refer to the church calendar at for the week’s activities.
The following students should see Veronica Wall after service to pick up your Scholarship Ministry gift.
- Briana Chavis Teren McNeill
- James Bridges Mackenzie Moore
- Sydney Bridges Madison Moore
- Etonia Davis Charity Perkins
- Richard Doyle Jada Wooten
- Morgan Hinton Jaslyn Wooten
Prayer List
- Larcina Blackmon
- Rosa Bunch
- Evelyn Chalmers
- Irene Cooper
- Suretha Crawford
- Ruby Denning
- Willie Gilbert, Tower Nursing & Rehab Ctr.
- Vennie Almeta Hall
- Alice Jones
- Nicole Jones
- Marie Lowe
- Curtis McCullers
- Terry McCullers
- Fleeter Merritt
- Dennis Moore
- Leon Partin
- Rosa Partin
- Erma Phillips
- Alease Pryor
- Ella Smith
- Harold Smith
- Rev. Alice Watson
- Mary Elizabeth Williams, PruittHealth
- Clorana Bass (Doza Primus’ mother)
- Angela Cloud (Mildred Keith’s friend)
- Darlene P. Craig (Patrice Baker’s sister)
- JoAnne Daniels (Tina Smith’s friend)
- Barbara Jean Evans (Sonnia Carter’s Mother)
- Lorene Jones (Gloria Williams’ sister-in-law)
- Warren Lassiter (Mildred Keith’s friend)
- Melva Moore (Mildred Keith’s niece)
- Andre Overby (Marilyn Sanders’ neighbor)
- Loretha Peacock (Joyce Horton’s friend)
- Darren Sanders (William Sanders’ brother)
- Kim Saunders (Della Watson’s cousin)
- Susan Umstead (Marie Taylor’s niece)
- Constance VanDyke (Mildred Keith’s Friend)
- Ramona Wright (Marie Taylor’s niece)
- Dallie Williams (Barbara Johnson’s sister)
- Earl Williams (Alyce Williams’ husband)
- Joyce Williams (Pamela C. Williams’ mother-in-law)
- Mary Wells (Dorothy Grays’ friend)