Who We Are

Our Story

Lets revisit 1871, a tent called Brush Harbor our first place of worship. Soon the congregation wanted a building. A wooden frame church located near a big poplar tree and a spring reverently pointed her steeple heavenward. By 1928, the congregation had outgrown the wooden church and work began to build a beautiful brick edifice which now serves as our Fellowship Hall.

Since 1871, Poplar Springs has grown and modernized through the pastoral leadership of four great pastors: the late Reverend John W. Albright (1932-1981); the late Reverend James W. Morrison (1982-1989); Reverend Alice Umphrey Watson (Interim Pastor from January 1, 1990-June 30, 1990); and our current pastor, Reverend Charles W. Brooks.

Our Pastors

Rev. Charles W. Brooks, Pastor

Rev. Charles W. Brooks, Pastor

Rev. Roy Clark, Assistant Pastor

Rev. Roy Clark, Assistant Pastor


6115 Old Stage Road
Raleigh, NC 27603
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Worship Service
10:00 a.m.

Sunday School
9:00 a.m.
Wednesday Bible Study
7:00 p.m. (Sept.-May)