Who We Are
Our Story
Lets revisit 1871, a tent called Brush Harbor our first place of worship. Soon the congregation wanted a building. A wooden frame church located near a big poplar tree and a spring reverently pointed her steeple heavenward. By 1928, the congregation had outgrown the wooden church and work began to build a beautiful brick edifice which now serves as our Fellowship Hall.
Since 1871, Poplar Springs has grown and modernized through the pastoral leadership of four great pastors: the late Reverend John W. Albright (1932-1981); the late Reverend James W. Morrison (1982-1989); Reverend Alice Umphrey Watson (Interim Pastor from January 1, 1990-June 30, 1990); and our current pastor, Reverend Charles W. Brooks.
Our Pastors

Rev. Charles W. Brooks, Pastor