Announcements: Week of March 25

Holy Week Services will be held at Mount Peace Baptist Church nightly, March 27 – 29, at 7:00 p.m.

Maundy Thursday Service will be Thursday, March 29th, at 7:00 p.m. Rev. Cortez Winston, choir, ushers, and congregation from Word of Truth Church, will render service.

If you want to be a “doorkeeper” for the Lord and you are ready to serve with a smile, the Adult Usher Ministry is seeking new members! Adult male and female ushers are needed for worship services. Please call Pamela Taylor Shaw at (919) 418-0199 or Shawn Gear at (919) 696-1875, if you are interested.

The Security Ministry is looking for new members. Please see Ruby Hodge for information.

The Adult Ushers Ministry is looking for new members. Please see Shawn Gear or Pam Taylor-Shaw.

The Preschool Ministry will have an Easter Egg hunt for the youth up to age six following Easter service. There will also be bags of candy provided for all ages in the fellowship hall.

All youth ages 10 and up are invited to join us for our Community Service Event at Lake Waccamaw Boys and Girls Home Saturday, April 21. This is an ALL-DAY event. We will assist with morning chores, participate in a group discussion, interact via games, and close the day with a cookout. Please sign up TODAY in the copier room if you are able to attend; contact Karon Hardy at 919-779-0749 for additional information or questions.

Registration is now being accepted for Poplar Springs summer camp. Early Bird Registration fee is $25 until March 30. Thereafter, regular registration is $50. See the Youth Ministry leaders for details.

New Generation Choir will rehearse on the following Saturdays: April: 14, 21, and 28th. All rehearsals will be 2:00-3:30 p.m.

The A.B. Davis Fellowship Ministry is offering a trip to Washington, DC October 17-20, 2018. Please see Mildred Keith or Tina Smith for details.

Save the Dates! Royal Kids Camp Annual Fundraiser is Saturday, April 14th; the dates for Royal Kids Camp are July 15 – 20, 2018. Please see Robyn King if you are interested in participating.

The Young Adult Ministry will begin collecting back packs for their annual back pack drive. The collection site will be in the hall near the mailboxes. Thank you for your support!

Ladies, are you excited at this year’s Women’s Retreat?!? We’re traveling to the ATL September 13 – 16. Join us for fellowship, shopping, tours, etc. Grab a roommate or two, complete a registration form, and make a $75 deposit. Payment collections are each 4th Sunday; however, you can put your payment in a Women’s Retreat envelope located on the Trustees’ Office door and leave with them or the secretary.

Missionary Ministry will celebrate their Anniversary on Sunday, April 22, 3:00 p.m. Dr. Jeffery B. Robinson from Juniper Level Missionary Baptist Church, Raleigh, NC, will be our guest speaker.

The Custodial staff and the Beautification ministry are asking for your help with our annual spring cleaning, Saturday, April 21, 9:00 a.m—noon. We are soliciting a few members from all ministries to please come out and help! A sign-up sheet is in the copier room. You may see Jackie Branch or Jill Cook for more information.

We are looking for positive and enthusiastic Summer Camp Counselors who enjoy working with children. Join us as a Camp Counselor at Poplar Springs Christian Church for fun in the sun, field trips, crafts and daily academic enrichment. Counselors must be 18 years of age or older, Junior Counselors must be at least 17 years old; all counselors must be willing to participate in all indoor and outdoor activities, and must be available four or more hours per shift. Please contact Rev. Frank Williams for additional information 919-327-8907.

Save the Date!! Garner Relay for Life will be April 27 – 28, 2018, at Lake Benson Park, Garner, NC, 4:00 p.m. until… Sponsored by the Cancer Support Ministry.

Please refer to the church calendar at for the week’s activities.

Please send your announcements to by Wednesday at 4:00 pm.

Please contact the Media Ministry at 919-961-7613, if there are problems with the broadcast so they can work to correct it as soon as possible.

Youth Announcements

Community Service Event, Durham Rescue Mission, Friday, March 30, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
SAVE THE DATE, Saturday, April 21 – Community Service Event Boys and Girls Home, Lake Waccamaw (THIS IS AN ALL DAY EVENT)

Sick and Prayer List

Evelyn Chalmers
Pat Chrisp
Jean Dunn
Charles Evans, Rex Rehab
Willie Gilbert, Tower Nursing & Rehab Ctr
Kaye Hinton
Vennie Almeta Hall
Deidre Harvey
Alice Jones
Nicole Jones
Marie Lowe, Duke Raleigh Hospital
Curtis McCullers
Terry McCullers
Fleeter Merritt
Dennis Moore
Leon Partin
Rosa Partin
Sylvia Partin
Erma Phillips, PruittHealth
Alease Pryor
Faydean Robinson
Mary Elizabeth Williams

Mattie Almanzar (Julia Davis’ sister)
James “Ricky” Boykins (Cathy Harris’ cousin)
Margaret Christmas (Mr. & Mrs. Lane Whitaker’s daughter)
Angela Cloud (Mildred Keith’s friend)
Barbara Jean Evans (Sonnia Carter’s mother)
Wallace Horton (Erma Phillips’ brother)
Lorene Jones (Gloria Williams sister-in-law)
Warren Lassiter (Mildred Keith’s friend)
Cleon Partin (Charley Partin’s brother)
Douglas Sanders (Marilyn Sanders’ brother)
Kim Saunders (Della Watson’s cousin)
Susan Umstead (Marie Taylor’s niece)
Constance VanDyke (Mildred Keith’s friend)
Mary Washington (Nathaniel Washington’s mother)
Ramona Wright (Marie Taylor’s niece)
Dallie Williams (Barbara Johnson’s sister)
Earl Williams (Alyce Williams’ husband)
Joyce Williams (Pamela C. Williams’ mother-in-law)
Mary Wells (Dorothy Grays’ friend)