Announcements: Week of March 1
Copies of the weekly announcements are available in the stand in the front and on the table in the rear of the church.
Yearly Giving Statement: As a reminder, all disciples are able to access your yearly giving statement on the Member Portal. If you have not created your profile, you can do so at If you still need a statement printed, please stop by the finance office to sign up. Printed statements will be available by January 26, 2020. For assistance with setting up your access to the Member Portal, send an email to
Men’s Fellowship Ministry will meet Monday, March 9 at 7:00 p.m., in the fellowship hall.
Tea Time is this afternoon, 5:00 p.m. Ladies, we look forward to seeing you there.
PSCC Summer Camp Director Needed – if you or someone you know would like to apply for the position of Summer Camp Director, contact the Church Administrator at for an application and more information. Candidate must be available the entire summer from June 15 – August 15.
The New Generation Choir will have rehearsal on Saturday, March 7, 2:00 – 3:30 p.m.
Community Navigators Community Builders – Do you like to eat Krispy Kreme donuts while helping our community youth succeed in life? If so, CNCB has the solution for you. Get a box (or two) of Krispy Kreme donuts for $10. Money and pre-orders from Sunday February 29, 2020 to March 13, 2020. Please see Cleopatra Lacewell to place your order. Thanks in advance for your support.
The Annual Tea Time Party for women only will be held on Sunday, March 29, 2020, at 3:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. March is National Women’s Month, and we celebrate women with this fun event. This year has “2020” surprises. Hats and gloves are suggested. Signup is in the Copier Room. Deadline to signup is Sunday, March 15.
RACE FOR THE CURE REGISTRATION TIME – IS NOW!! The Poplar Springs Christian Church Race for the Cure Team is ready for registration. Race Day is Saturday, May 2. The team link is located on the Church’s website. ! Training sessions to prepare for Race for Cure will begin Saturday, March 7 at 7:00 a.m. at Lake Johnson (see flyer in Narthex and Rear Lobby). Paper registration forms are located in the Narthex and Rear Lobby.
The Raleigh-Apex NAACP will be hosting its’ annual Mother of the Year on April 26, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. The Theme this year is “Women in Unity with a Hat-ti -tude”. I am proud to say that Deaconess Patricia McCutcheon will be a contestant in this program representing Poplar Springs Christian Church. We are asking for your support to Deaconess McCutcheon with a monetary donation in any amount. Deaconess Patricia will also have tickets available. Thank you in advance for your support. If you have any questions, notify Vanessa Snellings, Assistant secretary of The Raleigh-Apex NAACP at 919-272-8654 or
Please notify the church office if you have had any changes/updates to your contact information. Thank you!
Poplar Springs Disciples, do you know who your assigned deacon is? If you do not and want to know, please contact the church office.
We are in dire need of adult members to join the Pre-School Ministry. We need volunteers who are passionate about providing dependable, safe, secure, and nurturing care to our potty-trained to six-year-old youth during Sunday Service. Please sign up in the Copier Room or contact Pam Jackson at 919-815-4729 or
Parking – As a courtesy to our neighbors on Poplar Springs Church Street and as a safety precaution, please do not double park on Poplar Springs Church Street. We are happy to accommodate you with parking on the hill and our shuttle drivers are happy to assist you with getting to and from the church before and after service. Thank you for your understanding.
Announcements – Please send your announcements to by Wednesday at 4:00 p.m.
Please contact the Media Ministry at 919-961-7614 if there are problems with the broadcast so they can work to correct them as soon as possible.
Anyone interested in joining the First Aide Ministry should contact the Chairperson, Vanessa Snellings, at 919-272-8654 or To participate you should have a serving spirit and be willing to obtain a First Aid CPR certification. Meetings are the 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:00pm.
The Usher Ministry is looking for smiling faces and helpful hands to join them. Please see Deacon Wayne Robbins if you would like to be a part of this ministry.
The Security Ministry is looking for new members. Please see Ruby Hodge for information.
As a reminder, no eating or drinking is allowed in the sanctuary. If you need to feed your child, we ask that you step out to the Cry Room until food has been consumed. Thank you for our cooperation.
View Sick & Prayer List
- Brenda Alstom
- Vernell Boyd, Zebulon Rehab
- Phyllis Burrell
- Betty Burt
- Margaret Carter
- Tonie Gordon
- Mary Green
- Vennie Almeta Hall
- Ronald Jenkins
- Alice Jones
- Nicole Jones
- Terry McCullers, The Laurels of Glenn, Garner
- Fleeter Merritt
- Dennis Moore
- Leon Partin
- Rosa Partin
- Frank Pettiford
- Ella Smith, WakeMed Rehab
- Erma Phillips
- James Watkins
- Rev. Alice Watson
- Theresa Watson
- Graham Watt
- Lane Whitaker
- Rachel Wiggins
- Rev. Frank Williams
- Mary Elizabeth Williams, PruittHealth
- Deloris Arseneaux (Ruby Hodge’s friend)
- James Baldwin (Donzella Winston’s friend)
- Clorana Bass (Doza Primus’ mother)
- Roxie Blackmon (Larcina Blackmon’s daughter/Thelia Burrell’s sister)
- Barbara Bullock (Brenda Alston’s aunt)
- Edward Byrd (Naikia Atkinson’s father)
- Fred Chavis, Jr. (Anthony Chavis’ father)
- Eric Davis (Melvin Mitchell’s nephew)
- Antoinette Avery Ellerbe (Mary Morgan’s sister)
- LeVone Ford (Jill Cook’s uncle)
- Elsie Foy (Nena Chavis’ mother)
- James Grays (Dorothy Grays’ husband)
- Lossie Hacket (Ozzie Hacket’s wife)
- Lorene Jones (Pamela C. Williams’ aunt)
- Warren Lassiter (Mildred Keith’s friend)
- Melva Moore (Mildred Keith’s niece)
- Lawrence Partin (Andrew Partin’s brother)
- Loretha Peacock (Joyce Horton’s friend)
- Kim Saunders (Della Watson’s cousin)
- Wilma Stewart (Brenda Alston’s aunt)
- Daisy Thorne (Jill Cook’s mother)
- Rev. Clarence Thornton (Mildred Keith’s friend)
- Constance VanDyke (Mildred Keith’s friend)
- Earl VanDyke (Mildred Keith’s friend)
- Mary Wells (Dorothy Grays’ friend)
- Dallie Williams (Barbara Johnson’s sister)
- Earl Williams (Alyce Williams’ husband)
- Joyce Williams (Pamela C. Williams’ mother-in-law)
- Ramona Wright (Marie Taylor’s niece)