Announcements: Week of June 24
Men’s Fellowship Day will be Saturday, June 30, 12:00 – 5:00pm, at the Poplar House. There will be refreshments, fellowship and lot of fun.
There will be a Final Expense Workshop held in the Fellowship Hall next Saturday, June 30, 10:00am – 2:00pm, in the Fellowship Hall. All are welcome to attend.
The Eastern North Carolina Alzheimer Association will be at Poplar Springs, Saturday, July 14, 2018, to present “Understanding Alzheimer’s and Dementia” – the Basic program – from 10:00 – 11:30am. Get your questions answered and find resources to help. Sponsored by AARP CC2C. *You DO NOT have to be a member of AARP to participate in this event.
The Scholarship Ministry will recognize all elementary, middle school, high school and college students who made the honor roll, President’s List, or Dean’s List during the Spring Semester (3rd quarter, 4th quarter, or both). All students who made the honor roll/list are encouraged to place a COPY of their report card in the Scholarship mailbox or email it to no later than Sunday, July 8, 2018. Please remember for every “C” or “2” there must be an “A” or “4”. Students being honored will be recognized on Sunday, August 19, 2018.
It’s Comedy! It’s a Game Show! and it’s Reality TV at its BEST! After the “I Do’s” Game Show – The Pastor’s Edition! Enjoy a night out at the Duke Energy Center on Friday, July 20th, at the After The “I Do’s” Game Show. Clean comedian Terry Tuff will keep you laughing from beginning to end while he asks some “what you want to know” questions to four pastors and their spouses. There will be Audience Door Prizes! Hurry and get your tickets at or call 1.800.745.3000. Save Ticketmaster charges by going directly to the theater at 2 E. South Street, Raleigh. Grab a friend or two and meet us there! This Show is going to be EPIC!
If you are interested in participating in the A. B. Davis Fellowship Ministry King and Queen contest, please sign up in the copier room.
The Young Adult Ministry is still collecting back packs for their annual back pack drive. Collection sites are in the hall near the mailboxes and in the narthex. Thank you for your support!
If you want to be a “doorkeeper” for the Lord and you are ready to serve with a smile, the Adult Usher Ministry is seeking new members! Adult male and female ushers are needed for worship services. Please call Pamela Taylor Shaw at (919) 418-0199 or Shawn Gear at (919) 696-1875, if you are interested.
The Security Ministry is looking for new members. Please see Ruby Hodge for information.
Please refer to the church calendar at for the week’s activities.
Please send your announcements to by Wednesday at 4:00pm.
As a reminder – NO EATING OR DRINKING IS ALLOWED IN THE SANCTUARY; if you need to feed your child, we ask that you step out to the Cry Room until food has been consumed. Thank you for your cooperation
Please contact the Media Ministry at 919-961-7613, if there are problems with the broadcast so they can work to correct it as soon as possible.