Announcements: Week of June 19

Students Annual Recognition and Awards Banquet, Saturday, June 25 at 4:00pm in the church fellowship hall.

Poplar Springs get ready for VBS, Vacation Bible School – June 27 to July 1; our theme this year is, “I’ve Got Talent” so come out and showcase your God-given talent at our VBS Talent Show for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place prizes. Please plan to attend.

A.B. Davis Fellowship Ministry – is preparing for their 2nd Annual Queen for a Day celebration. If you are interested in participating, please sign up in the copier room by Sunday, July 10 the first meeting of participants will be Sunday, July 10 after the morning service.  The program will be on Sunday, September 11.

A.B. Davis Fellowship Ministry – is planning their biannual trip. They will be traveling to Charleston, SC on October 20-22, 2016. Open to anyone, limited seats available. For more information or to travel with them, contact Tina Smith or Mildred Keith.

Food Bank Volunteers Needed July 30, 2016 – Women’s Retreat 2016 will be volunteering again at the NC Food Bank on Saturday, July 30 8am – 12pm and 1pm – 4pm. We are asking men, women and teenagers to sign up in the copier room. For more information contact Jacqueline Branch at 919-779-2628 or 919-961-7614. We thank you in advance for your willingness to give back!

Media Ministry – is currently looking for dedicated volunteers to work on Sundays and special events. Contact Neal Boyke at 919-608-5117 or Jackie Branch at 919-779-2628 for more information.

Sick and Prayer List

  • Brother Charles Evans, Rex Rehab
  • Deacon Howard Horton
  • Brother Bobby Height
  • Sister Nicole Jones
  • Sister Letha McLean
  • Sister Gloria McPherson
  • Sister Rosa Partin, Pruitt Health
  • Sister Alease Pryor
  • Sister Pamela Williams
  • Karen Fountain(James Fountain’s mother)
  • Wallace Horton, Pruitt Health(Erma Phillips’ brother)
  • Pedro McKoy(Florida McKoy’s brother)
  • Joseph Ragland, WakeMed(Roberta Howard’s son)
  • Miquel Sanders (LaQuetta Sander’s husband)