Announcements: Week of December 3
EMMANUEL! Praise Dance Ministry invites you to join us, ages 7-12, girls and boys, NO previous dance experience required, just a willing spirit. Destinee is looking for an assistant; if you are interested, please contact Destinee Davis at 919-602-2748 or There is a sign-up sheet for praise dancers located in the copier room.
Please Donate Portable Heaters for families in need. Men of the Abraham Sunday School class need your help with donations of portable heaters to help families in need for the upcoming winter months. Distribution will be first to those in our church family, then to those in the community. Contact Trustee Kevin Ragland (919-449-6444) or Deacon Al McCutcheon (919-723-1233).
Christmas Angel Tree 2017 – Parents of PSCC youth (12 and under) who are in need of assistance for Christmas, please contact the Secretary’s Office by Monday, December 11th.
A. B. Davis Fellowship Ministry’s First Annual Bake sale will be Sunday, December 17th. We are in need of bakers to support us in this effort. Please sign up in the copier room with the type of dessert you will donate. Please bring your donated sweet treats to the church Saturday, December 16th, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
HIS Daughters Ministry would like to thank you, Poplar Springs, for your generous donation of 72 boxes of cake mix, frosting, construction paper, and wrap. With your help, we were able to be a blessing to children from within and outside of North Carolina whose parents are incarcerated at the Women’s Prison. For more information on the MATCH Program, please visit their website:
The purpose of the Youth Usher Ministry is to encourage young people interested in working in the church, to train and prepare them for ushering as an adult. This ministry is open to both males and females ages 10-18 years of age. If you are interested in being a part of this GREAT ministry, please contact Patrice Baker @ 919-815-9266 or Thank You!
Youth Usher Training is Saturday, December 30, 10:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. ALL youth ushers are required to attend, and any youth interested in joining the youth usher ministry should also plan to attend. Lunch will be provided.
MLK Annual Breakfast and Celebration will be in RTP on Monday, January 15, 2018. The bus will leave the church at 5:30 a.m. If you would like to attend and ride the bus, sign up in the copier room by December 31st.
Governor Roy Cooper’s office is accepting applications for Pages. All interested high school students in good standing and between the ages of 16 and 18 are encouraged to apply. To complete an online application, go to and click on the Governor’s Page Program link. For questions, please contact Karon Hardy at 919-779-0749.
A toy drive is in progress with the toys going to the Methodist Home for Children. Please bring your new and unwrapped toys and place them in the boxes in the narthex or in the rear entrance near the mailboxes.
Please send your announcements by Wednesday, 4:00 p.m. to
Youth Announcements
Youth Church is every 2nd and 4th Sunday for ages 7 to 18.
Sick and Prayer List
Alecia Anderton
Torrence Bryant
Evelyn Chalmers
Charles Evans, Rex Rehab
Willie Gilbert, Tower Nursing & Rehab Center
Vennie Almeta Hall
Deidre Harvey
Alice Jones
Nicole Jones
Irene Leach, Pruitt Health Center
Curtis McCullers
Dennis Moore
Rosa Partin
Alease Pryor
Cupid Sorrell, SECU Hospice House
Rachel Wiggins
Mary Elizabeth Williams
Juanita Anderson (Shuronica Anderson’s mother)
Addie Batts (Shuronica Anderson’s grandmother)
James “Ricky” Boykins (Cathy Harris’ cousin)
Angela Cloud (Mildred Keith’s friend)
Wallace Horton (Erma Phillips’ brother)
Constance McNeil (Mildred Keith’s friend)
Mary Washington (Nathaniel Washington’s mother)
Dallie Williams (Barbara Johnson’s sister)
Douglas Sanders (Marilyn Sanders‘ brother)
Joyce Williams (Pamela C. Williams‘ mother-in-law)
Albert Logan (LaTrenda Thomas’ father)