Announcements: Week of August 20

PSCC Repairs/Reminder – The church office will be closed August 21-28 for repairs. Please no food or drinks in the sanctuary.

Summer Announcements Reminder– Please send your weekly announcements to Alecia Anderton at during the summer. The deadline to submit announcements is Thursday at 5 p.m.

Greeter’s Ministry will meet on August 27 (4th Sunday) immediately following the morning service. The meeting will be held in the back of the sanctuary.

Legislative Maps – As ordered by the court, the N.C. General Assembly is drawing new legislative maps. Now is your chance to weigh in with your public comment about whether they’re fair on Tuesday, August 22, at 4 p.m., at several locations around the state. Legislators have not released their preliminary maps yet. Location for the Hearing in Wake County at Legislative Office Buildingthe Room 643, 300 N Salisbury St., Raleigh, NC 27603. You can attend (and sign up to speak beginning at 3 p.m.) at any location; hearings will be telecast so you can see and hear other speakers at the different locations. Keep in mind: letting us know you’ll stand with us does not guarantee you’ll get to speak — arrive early to ensure you’ll have your say in favor of fair maps!

2017 Baby Contest Contestants – The A.B. Davis Fellowship Ministry will sponsor their annual “Baby Contest” on Sunday, September 17 at 3:00 p.m. Please support our contestants: Isaiah Hayood, Miriam Stillman, Jalaya Young and Tristan Riley Chambers.

Women’s Retreat Workshop – All ladies attending the Women Retreat workshop on September 9, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. please sign up in copier room.

Resources and Health Fair – The AARP Foundation – Connecting Caregivers to the Community (CC2C) and Poplar Springs First Aide Ministry will host a resource and health fair on Saturday, August 26, 2017, 10:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m.

African American Cultural Festival – Lakeisha Coffey, the Festival Volunteer Coordinator for the 8th Annual African American Cultural Festival of Raleigh and Wake County has a need for volunteers for the festival on September 2-3, 2017.  There are over 20 different opportunities available for both teens and adults.  This is a family friendly event so all ages are welcomed to attend.  I have included a letter that outlines our need in more detail.  Volunteer information can be accessed by visiting our website at  For questions, please contact Lakeisha Coffey at

Food Pantry Ministry – The Food Pantry Ministry needs men over the age of 18 years old to assist in loading and unload the truck, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday. Please contact Katherine Branch for details.

Be The Match Registry – You Can Be The Cure! Join the be match registry. Patients need you! Thousands with blood cancers like leukemia and/or sickle cell anemia are in need of a transplant. Saturday, September 23 at PSCC from 10:00 a.m. – Noon. If you are unable to attend the event please join the registry online at: 

Youth Announcements

National Museum of African American History Trip – Join the Youth Ministry in visiting The National Museum of African American History and Culture, Friday, September 8, 2017. The ministry will depart PSCC at 5:30 a.m. and depart DC 5:30 p.m. Youth age 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult. This is a School Day!  Please check with your child’s’ school regarding absences. Cost is FREE however we are asking for donations of any (2) canned food items, or any (2) snack food items, or case of water or Canned meats or size 5 diapers.

Empowerment Hour Bible Study Leaders Needed – The Youth Ministry needs teachers to join our Wednesday Night Empowerment Hour Bible Study Team.  Please contact Rev. Williams for more information at

Sick and Prayer List

  • Sister Diane Allen
  • Sister Pat Baker
  • Sister Harriet Blue
  • Sister Valecia Booth
  • Sister Evelyn Chalmers
  • Sister Twanda Clark
  • Sister Patricia Crisp
  • Brother Charles Evans, Rex
  • Brother Eugene Gilbert
  • Sister Geneva Hammond
  • Sister Alice Jones
  • Sister Nicole Jones
  • Brother Curtis McCullers
  • Brother Dennis Moore
  • Sister Rosa Partin
  • Sister Alease Pryor
  • Sister Cordella Rashid
  • Sister Cupid Sorrell
  • Sister Bertha Thomas
  • Sister Martha Williams
  • Sister Mary Elizabeth Williams
  • Minister Clarence Young
  • Paul Bowen (Friend of Delois Whitaker) Tower Rehab
  • Channing Carrington (Wendy Carrington’s niece)
  • Angela Cloud (Mildred Keith’s friend)
  • Wallace Horton (Erma Phillips’ brother)
  • Constance McNeil (Mildred Keith’s friend)
  • Douglas Sanders (Marilyn Sanders’ brother)
  • Joyce Williams (Pamela C. Williams’ mother-in-law)
  • Albert Logan (LaTrenda Thomas’ father)