Fellowship + Outreach
Motivate | Educate | EmpowerPSCC outreach and fellowship ministries allow us to share the word of God in our community, nation, and the world. In keeping with our mission of inspiring believers to become followers of God through the love of Jesus Christ, PSCC members will help advance the Kingdom of God.
Intercessory Prayer Ministry
The purpose of the Intercessory Prayer Ministry is to surround, strengthen and support the body of Christ; to declare on earth the will of God in heaven; to go behind the veil and enter into His presence; to pray authoritative prayers that being in heaven and ends on earth; to be vigilant watchmen on the wall and to pray out the accomplishments of the church for the kingdom to come! We seek to train prayer warriors how to do kingdom business on the threshing floor in unity and always get results by praying the promises and the will of God from His Word!
Seniors Ministry
The mission of the Senior Ministry is to eliminate loneliness among all seniors, provide current and relevant information that is vital to their survival in today’s society, provide for their spiritual growth and to reach out beyond these walls to other seniors in the community. Committee Meeting :: 2nd Tuesday, 10:00 a.m. | Fellowship :: Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.
Women’s Ministries
Women’s Fellowship
The purpose of the Women’s Fellowship (WFM) is to glorify God in fellowship and to be a servant to others. The WFM is open to all the women of Poplar Springs Christian Church.
Committee Meeting Times: 2nd Saturday of each month – 11:00 am – Poplar House
Annual Event: Women’s Day, 4th Sunday in August
Tea Time
Tea Time provides a forum for Christian women to share and support other Christian women in our similar yet dynamic journey as disciples, wives, mothers, sisters, and professionals. Tea Time meets the first Sunday of the month at 5PM. The topics are taken from a list compiled by the women themselves. For more information contact our Coordinator, First Lady Regina Brooks.
Other Women’s Ministries
Women’s Shelter
Men’s Ministries
The Men’s Fellowship Ministry provides and promotes Christian fellowship among the men of the church for spiritual, educational and social enrichment through a variety of activities and programs within the church and the community. Meeting Time :: First Monday of the Month at 7:00 pm
Other Men’s Ministries
Men’s Support Group | Men’s Shelter
Youth Ministry
The Youth Ministry is committed to helping young people and their families gain an understanding of the Bible and develop a relationship with Jesus Christ. The purpose of the PSCC Youth Ministry is to impact youth through the message of the Bible and to create young men and women who love Christ. Our mission is to motivate, educate, and empower young people in their relationship with Christ. We serve as advocates for the youth by mentoring them into a life-long relationship with God and the church.
Other Fellowship Ministries
Connecting Couples